Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long does my hair have to be before I can get waxed?

Hair has to be 2-3 weeks long after shaving or using hair removal products (Veet, or Nair--it's all the same thing).

If you can grip it, so can my wax!

2. My cycle just came. Can I still get waxed?

Absolutely! only if you put a fresh tampon in upon arrival; of course, this option is optional only if you feel comfortable.

3. Does waxing hurt?

There may be a little discomfort from hair removed from the root. Everyone is different, which includes pain tolerance, and hair texture. Still, I can reassure you that here at KayB Waxing LLC, I make an uncomfortable moment the most comfortable and less painful experience you will ever come across.

4. Can I take something for the pain?

You do not have to, but if you must, you can take ibuprofen, aspirin, or Advil 30 mins before your appointment. 

*Please no numbing cream as it interferes with the wax if you have to apply 45mins before complete absorption. 

5. What is exfoliation?

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the body's surface, allowing new skin to appear while also unclogging the pores, allowing for product penetration and new hair to regrow correctly. 

6. When should I exfoliate, and for how long?

It would be best if you exfoliate a day or two before your next wax appointment, but never the same day.

After getting waxed, you should wait for 48 hrs after service to start your at-home regime of exfoliating daily (mild exfoliant) or 2-3 days a week (abrasive exfoliant). 

It would be best if you were exfoliating even when the hair starts to grow back because it is crucial to help your hair properly regrow without complications. 

7. What happens if I break out?

Breaking out is usually uncommon as I use a vegan, hypoallergenic wax, but you can apply cortisone cream or take a Benadryl in a rare case. If the breakout happens two weeks after being serviced, please reference your do's and don't list. Have you been exfoliating? Am I using a moisturizer? (dry skin causes ingrown).

8. What to avoid after being waxed? 

(specifically body waxing, not facial waxing)

For the first 24-48 hrs, avoid: 

  • An excessive amount of heat exposure 
  • Uncontrollable perspiration (working out, saunas, cycling, etc.)
  • Bodies of water (steam showers, chlorine pools, beach, etc.)
  • Intercourse!!